Mangroves Photo Gallery
November 2014
A really fantastic trip with a really lovely group of divers. We enjoyed four days scuba diving and photographing in two different...
Lembeh DiveQuest Photo Gallery
November 2014
Another return trip to a top favourite critter spot, this time running a Critterfest for DiveQuest at Black Sand Dive Retreat...
East Timor Adventure Photo Gallery
October 2014
An adventure trip diving East Timor with a lovely group of fun loving divers. Lots of great wide angle and macro photography to...
Critters & Nudibranchs Photo Gallery
February 2014
What a truly fantastic trip with lovely guests once more and lots of great critters including a few species and lots of new sightings...
Bali Fun Diving Photo Gallery
March 2014
Diving 4 Images is not all about critters and professional photography. When we have time we also like to take dive trips just for...
Internations Fun in Raja Ampat Photo Gallery
January 2014
Another InterNations adventure and this time 7 divers, 7 nations which means 7 times more fun and games...
Here are just a...